There are lots of people looking for jobs today. However, as an employer, you are not looking for just anyone. You want to hire the best, most imaginative employees to work at your business. You recognize that your company is only as strong as your workers. How do you hire the best people? It all starts with the interview.
Make sure that your interview questions solicit the information that will help you find the individual with the characteristics you want. If you use a cookie cutter approach to the interview, you are likely to get uninspired, cookie cutter answers.
Ask the Right Questions
Start by asking the right questions. Don't ask applicants what their job titles were at past positions. Don't ask them what their duties were. Rather, ask them to list any innovative ideas that they came up with for their previous employers. Ask them if these ideas helped their employers earn more money, run more efficiently, or cut back on expenses.
Another prevalent interview question is to ask about the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Most people have a canned response to this, as they know it might be asked in an interview. Instead have them tell you what they add to the culture of a company, what do they do in nerve-racking situations, or what are some ways they keep themselves satisfied at their jobs. These answers will clue you in to the personality of the person you are interviewing, and if they will fit in with your company and the position.
If you truly want to see which of your candidates are the most innovative, give them a simple task to perform. It doesn't have to be complex; you can ask them to write an essay explaining how they would approach their job if hired. You could ask them to write down their ideas on what their ideal workspace would look like. Ask them to come up with new names for company services or products. Basically, ask them anything that will get their creative juices flowing.
Today’s job market is such that it’s probable that many competent people will apply to your open position. So, in order to sift through these applicants and find the most creative and inventive individuals, change your interview tactics to hone in on these traits.